I thought I would have another look at taking a few images of the Planets. To do this requires the use of a different scope and camera as my ED80 Scope is too wide angled, so it was time to get out my first telescope, the Skywatcher 200p and my Planet Camera a QHY IMG132E. My first attempts in 2013,at the Planets are poor, several of them taken on an adapted Web camera so hopefully this time will see some better images.

Left: This was my first attempt at Saturn in 2013 very poor image.
I set up the 200p on my EQ5 mount in the garden about two weeks ago just to remind my self how to use the camera and software and took a few images as below of Jupiter and Saturn. These are captured on the IMG132 which takes videos which are then processed and images stacked. These are not great detail as only short video clips.

Jupiter image left and a better image of Saturn below taken on 12th August 2021 on my quick attempt that evening.

I have now set the 200p Scope up in the Dome ready for some dark skies to try and take longer videos as will be tracking the Planet on the EQ6 Mount in the dome. I will also use a 2.5x Barlow which all being well will increase magnification but hopefully not loose quality of image. All I need now is some Clear Skies whilst Jupiter and Saturn are still in view from the UK.

Above: The 200p on the NEQ6 Tracking Mount.